
0 no 19
1 yes 15
? missing value 0

Is there palatal vowel harmony?

Uralic Areal Typology feature UT128

Is there palatal vowel harmony?

In the case of a palatal vowel harmony (æ-, y-, and/or ø-harmony), all the vowels of a given word are back vowels or they are all front vowels.

väsymys [ˈvæ.sy.mys] ‘tiredness’

Võro South Estonian
käpüstämä [ˈkæp.pys.ˌtæ.mæ] ‘to pinch’"

Coding. The value is '1' if there is a palatal vowel harmony in a language.

Language Value Comment Example Id

Values for this feature plotted on the phylogenetic tree